Monday 4 August 2008


Hi!I'm back again!Now i want to talk about a movie called underworld(not the evolution).It's damn interesting and nice.Here's the story!

Perched on the ledge of a building in a rainy night, two black-garbed vampires known as "Death Dealers" track a pair of werewolves walking on the street below. The vampires, Selene and Rigel, specialize in assassinating an ancient species of werewolves known as Lycans. Selene's motivation goes beyond duty; she also wants revenge, for she believes that Lycans slaughtered her family when she was a child. The vampires believe that they defeated the werewolves many centuries ago and killed their leader, Lucian, and that they must now kill off the survivors. As the vampires follow the Lycans into a subway station, the werewolves realize that they are being followed, and they open fire with submachine guns. In the chaotic shootout, Selene realizes that the Lycans may have been following a human, Michael Corvin, which is very unusual for the Lycans. After the Lycans retreat from Selene's barrage of machine pistol fire, she tracks them to their lair, where she hears loud howling.

When Selene arrives at the vampire coven's ornate, gated mansion, she recounts the evening's events. But the vampire regent Kraven tells her to drop the matter. Selene secretly continues her investigation, to find out why the Lycans were chasing a human,and whether there is a large den of Lycans. Meanwhile, in an underground Lycan lair, a scientist named Singe is testing blood from kidnapped descendants of the Corvinus family, to try to find a pure source of the ancient and powerful Corvinus blood type. Soon after Selene finds Michael, the pair are attacked by werewolves, including Lucian, the original Lycan leader, who bites Micheal on the shoulder. Selene helps Micheal to escape, and the two become romantically attracted to each other.

Selene continues her investigation by breaking into the coven's library to learn about the hidden past of their clan. After she learns from an ancient leather-bound book that Lucian and Kraven formed a conspiracy to hide Lucian's death, she awakens a powerful elder vampire Viktor. After Selene caputures the Lycan scientist, Singe, he admits to Viktor that the Lycans have been trying combine the bloodlines of the two species with the Corvinus Strain to create a powerful Vampire-Lycan hybrid.

Meanwhile, in the Lycan lair where Michael is being held captive, he learns that Viktor killed Lucian's vampire bride, Sonja, to prevent the mingling of the two bloodlines, which led to war. He learns this by way of memories passed on to him through the bite Lucian had given him. After Kraven flees, Viktor kills Singe and instructs Selene to kill Michael. After Lucian is severely wounded, he urges Selene to bite Michael, so that his blood will have both Lycan and vampire strains. When Selene learns that Viktor killed her entire family, and not the Lycans, she dispatches Viktor with a sword and flees with Michael. As Singe's blood seeps through the trapdoor of the sarcophagus of the remaining elder, Marcus, he begins to revive...(Well that's for now!I will tell you guys the second movie next time!Bye!)


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