Thursday 7 August 2008


My class 2c rules.The guys are super fun and the girls there are awesome!My class is noisy not because of playing around(maybe)but its just that we like to talk about gosips,story and also talks about what's happening at school!That's all,but the teachers there are so strict(most of them).I'm not insulting my teacher but its just...oh you know,Teachers!Well anyway back to my topic,my class is the best among the best!I have lots of friends in that class like melvin,niren,jarrett,jia lun,jasmine,mugilan,faiz,li lok,hannan and most of all my best and closest friend,Rachel(malas to mention the others)(sorry)!Those people are nice,funny and smart!Well, there are more thing i want to write but i'm lazy(sorry).If anybody reads this from my class,i bet that what i write is true!See you next time!

My class rocks!2C!

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